

A person against whom a complaint has been filed alleging that the person subjected another individual to harassment, discrimination, stalking, domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, or other sexual misconduct. Such conduct may be a violation of Vermont State Colleges System Policy 311 (Non-discrimination and Prevention of Harassment and Related Unprofessional Conduct) and/or Policy 311-A (Sexual Misconduct, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking).

Respondents have rights, including:

⇒ Fair and Impartial Treatment

At the VSCS, both complainants and respondents have the right to receive a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation into alleged violations of Policy 311/311-A violations. Both parties will be given an equal chance to participate in the investigation process, including the opportunity to identify witnesses and other relevant evidence. They will also have the opportunity to review the investigators’ report and relevant evidence before the report is finalized. Additionally, both parties will have the opportunity to meet with the decision maker before a final determination is made, and will have the same right to appear the final determination. Both complainants and respondents are encouraged to utilize available resources including counseling and academic support services.


⇒ Advisors

Complainants and respondents are entitled to the same opportunity to have an advisor or support person of their choosing present at any interview or meeting they have with investigators.  An advisor may advise the complainant or respondent privately, but cannot act as a speaking advocate. An investigator may terminate the meeting and proceed with the investigation based on otherwise-available information if an advisor refuses to comply with these requirements. Parties should avoid choosing an advisor who may have relevant information or might otherwise be interviewed as part of the investigation.


⇒ Resources

If you have an emergency, call 911 immediately. There are many resources available to you as you navigate the investigation process. You are also encouraged to contact your institution’s Coordinator with any questions or concerns.